Wednesday 23 May 2012

Flash: 2D Platform Game - Graphics 2

Hello again, I have returned with another update on the progress of the 2D game. Here is a screen shot of some misc. background objects that can be used for the game.

The graphics were made by tracing and/or drawing from mind, of some photos I took while in
town, in Illustrator. 

I took these photos in side perspective views, so I could get an idea of how the Angry Derek character is going to move around.

Also, me and Tom (group programmer) were having a debate on where the character was going to be running from, out of running on the pavements or in the middle of the road and Tom said we can do both. allowing the player to move around more and it will allow me to make other obstacles as well.  

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Flash: 2D Platform Game - Sprites 2

I have created a few more sprites for the game, mainly misc. that will be used as obstacles or hazards.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Flash: 2D Platform Game - Sprites

Using the graphic I made in Ilustrator, I have managed to create some sprites:
These sprites will be used for Angry Dereks running animation in the game.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Flash: 2D Platform Game - Graphics

With the drawings/sketches I have been doing, I have decided to start work on the sprites. This picture is a rough design of what the sprites will look like:
This is just an enlarged rough design of the sprite and I'll size it down for the purpose of the game.

Monday 30 April 2012

Flash: 2D Platform Game - Sketches

For the past couple of days, I have been doing some sketches of the character you play as in game, Angry Derek:

Before I could make the character in Illustrator. I was suggested to change the characters appearance to a degree, due to the fact that the idea for "Angry Derek" was based on a real person, so to make a character without "demorallising," I made some allterations: 

Sorry for the poor quality on this one... anyway, these are some of the ideas I had in mind to recreate the facial appearance.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Flash: 2D Platform Game - Generating Ideas

A couple of days ago, me and the group were discussing ideas for our game.

We have eventually came up with the idea of Angry Derek: A fat man who has a love for Ice Cream. The aim of the game is to control Angry Derek and race him to an ice cream van before it gets away. You win the game when Angry Derek reaches the ice cream van and lose if the van gets too far away for Angry Derek to catch. We are also planning on having obstacles in the game to slow or stop (maybe something that can speed) Angry Derek, such as people, traffic cones, road works, open man-holes, etc. The style of the gameplay will be (we are hoping for it to be) a non-stop run-and-jump game.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Autodesk 3Ds Max - My Finished House

I have finally finished my house in 3Ds Max! Here is a link to where I posted them

I have also an animation walk-through of the house but it is still rendering as we speak. I left the computer on at college, allowing it to render over night if need be as my 3Ds Max house renders at about at about 5 minutes a frame (more or less) and should be ready by morning.

Monday 26 March 2012

3Ds Max - My house

I have recently been working on my house in 3Ds Max: here's what it looks like so far:

I looks like its going ok but I am having trouble with some of the textures.
 This is what the texture should look like, even after it is rendered...
...But all get is this. Every time it is rendered, I get ant-sized bricks on the texture. No matter what changes are apllied, the result is always the same and I'm not sure what the problem is.

If this can't be fixed, I shall restart from an previous save.

Sunday 11 March 2012

3D Studio Max - Making a house (Walls, Floor, Windows and Door)

Hi folks, here is another update with Autodesk 3Ds Max (3D Studio Max). This post will cover on how to create the outline of a house, including walls, windows and a door.

1) In the Main Menu (Where it says Edit, Tools, Group, etc.) at the top of the software and go to Customise > Units Setup. In the Display Unit Scale, choose Metric and set it to Cintimeters. Now click System Unit Setup. In the System Unit Scale, click the drop-down menu and set it to Centimeters, then set "1 Unit - 100."

Now in the Main Tool bar, right-click the Snaps Toggle make sure the Grid Points tick box is selected. (This will allow you to accuately draw a shape on the grid) Now click on the Home Grid and set the Grid Spacing to 100.0

Now, Left click the Snaps Toggle tool in the Main Menu. In the Command Panel, select Create > Shapes (Splines) > Line. Now set the Initial and Drag Types to Corner and then begin drawing your layout of your house.

2) Once you have drawn your layout, in the Command Panel with the Line tab selected, click the Selection drop-down menu, click Spline. In the Geometry drop-down menu, look for where it says "Outline," type in '10' (You'll notice afterwards, the number you type in will revert back to '0.0,' that means it's done it, so leave it!) You should now have a second line around the line you first drew.

Unclick the Spline tool and unclick the Snaps Toggle and click Select and Move in the Main Tool Bar. Now hover your cursor your layout of your house, (lines) hold SHIFT then drag up. When dragging, you should have an exact duplicate, when you let go of the mouse button, you'll get a pop-up called Clone Options. Select Copy, then OK. Move the Cloned lines out of the way for later. (move on the Z axis to keep it aligned)

3) With the lines (or wall) selected, go to the Modifiers list on the Command Panel and select Extrude. There should be a raised line, as if a wall had been made. In Parameters > Amount, set the amount to the height you want (I put 200cm)

4) Get your copy of the lines you made previously (done in 2nd paragraph on 2) and make another copy. Select the Spline Tool, then select the inner line of the copy and delete it. Now Extrude it. (as done on 3) You should now have what looks like a roof/floor. If it displays a wall like with the previous, set the Amount to 0.0.

5) In the Main Tools menu, click Align (with you 'floor' selected) then click on your 'walls.' You should now have a pop-up called Align Selection. In Align Position, make it so the the Z Position is ticked, then set Current Object to Maximum and Target Object to Minimum. Your 'floor' should now be set below the 'walls.' Click Apply, then OK.

6) In the Command Menu, select Create > Geometry (drop-down -Standard Primitives) > Box. Draw your new shape on the canvas in the correct width/length you want, then the height. Next move your shape so that it is 'phaised' into the 'wall.' Now, select the wall shape, then in the Command Panel, go to Modify > Modifier List > Edit Poly. After that, go to Create > Geometry (Compound Objects) > ProBoolean. In Parameters > Operation: tick the "Subtraction" area, then click Pick Boolean, tick "Move," click Start Picking so it is highlight, then click on the "Box" shape. You should now have a square cut out of your wall.

7) Follow the same process as 6, except make the "Boxes" smaller than the "door." "Phaise" your new Box into the wall, like  the door, and position it above the ground, (move along the Z axis) and make a few copies of the "Box" and phaise-position them in different areas of your wall. When your Boxes are positioned in the places you want them in, do the Boolean process like you did earlier in 6. at the end of it, you should now have some more gaps in the wall that look appropriate for windows.

8) In the Command Panel, goto Geometry (Doors/Windows) and choose any of the object types. You need resize them to fit the gaps. (To help you with positioning the doors and windows, switch on and right-click the Snaps Toggle and set it to Vertex)

That covers on how to create a rough outline of your house, along with making doors and windows. I forgot to mention that if you want to create a roof, just copy the "flooring" and align it with the top of the wall.