Sunday 30 October 2011

Generator Complex game

I am back and after two weeks of working in Flash, I have finally finished my game.

The idea based for this game is to get a battery and place it into a generator without hitting any obstructions. If you get the battery into the generator, you win the level and you will be given the option to progress onto the next level, retry the level you played or go back to the main menu. Hitting an obstacle will cause you to fail the level and gives you the option to retry the level or go back to the main menu. There are currently ten levels to play and get harder as you progress.

The controls for the game are very simple: one left click over the battery and it will pick it up automatically. the battery will follow the cursor wherever you control it as long as you don't hit any obstacles.

As of now, there are lots of things that it lacks for it to be very well made and addictive game, mainly certain features that it is missing. In this case, it doesn't have a stopwatch in place to record a players time for each level or a life-point feature to record how many times the battery can get hit before it's game over There is also no sound applied to the game, so there won't be as much 'feel' to the game. If I had more time and the right resources, I would definitely add them in. 

That's all for now. Until next time...

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