Thursday 6 October 2011

Let me in from the Rain (Drag and Drop Graphics)

Hello, I am back with another post. This time I'm going to show of some graphics, or sprites, that I have made for my Flash game. Here they are:

Here is a Tesla Pylon sprite that I have created in Photoshop. I first started it off as a greyish circle, which I then added a gradient over it to make it a little more silvery-metal colour. This was then followed by some other graphics that came in the form of a short, grey stick or rod, three small rings and a base. Once I put these all together, this was then transformed into what looks like an upside-down pylon. When I import this into Flash, I hope to attempt to have an electrical graphic animation around the circle area, so that it shows that its fully charged. I also hope to have a sort of laser effect so that when the pylon picks up an object, it will have a green stream running from the pylon to the object it's holding.

This sprite graphic here is a representation of a battery that I plan on using as the main feature for completing a level. The idea for the battery is to move it to a goal or objective in order to win. When I started thinking of the idea for the battery, the image on the right was something that I had in mind; It started as two separate squares with a gap between each other. This then led me think how the gap was going to look like and I wanted something that looked sort of futuristic, so the 'small light beam surrounded by glass' came to mind. Eventually, this image was what I came up with. When I put this into Flash, I hoping I could have a glow effect around the glass cylinder .

After I had came up with the battery idea, I want some I could use as the objective and I wanted it to look like it was a part of a story. This is where the Generator comes in. When the Generator was first being designed, it started out as five separate shapes, which were then merged together and was left with a rectangular shaped gap to place. This was then followed by two hazard stripes on both sides and a coloured lightning symbol to indicate what coloured battery goes in. There is also a light at the top and this will be made to 'light up' when it is set up in flash. I have made a second version of this, where the rectangular gap is horizontal.

I am still working on some other sprites at the moment. I will upload them here as soon as I can.

Until next time...

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