Monday 26 September 2011

First things, First! (Flash Assignment and Descussion on Marketing)

Hello, I'm back once again for another update on my coursework.
Todays post is basically about our first assignment for our Drag and Drop Flash game and what we have been summarising within the media industry.

First things, first. Lets newsfeed on what's going on with the assignment:

Well, even though we had offically just started the assignment, some of my classmates have already finished their games and some are thinking about adding more to them. Me? I've decided make my self a checklist to break down what being asked from the brief and I'm gonna start working from the top, downwards. Here's my list:

I have started work on Adobe Flash games. I also need to write it as an essay and it must contain atleast 1200 words... yeah...

Anyway, moving on:

on the descussion on marketing; well it's actually a variety of different topics, such as

·         Agreement between client and worker on promoting products using target audiences through demographs and psychographs

·         Rights in the market, students don’t have any and also shouldn’t turn away from work unless they know they can’t do it

·         The average hourly rate of a web designer, which is usually between £35-£50 an hour
The agreement between client and worker is all related to a brief given by the client to promote a product. (you may remember this from one of my previous posts) This however goes in a much in depth detail on target audiences through demographs and psychographs. Demographs is like a spreadsheet or a result sheet of peoples personal descriptions, such as age groups, gender, nationality, contact info (I think...), etc. Psychographs are almost the same as demographs except that they look at peoples personal thoughts or feelings, such as views or beliefs, interests, hobbies, favourite activities, etc. All of these are used to determine what could be the right kind of product that this target audience likes.

The rights in the market are about peoples kind of vary between professionals and students. In the industry, students don't have any rights so it is always a good idea to work for free just to get the experience. When it all comes down to becoming working in professional standards, there is no room for error as when an agreement between a worker and a client has been settled, the worker has to go by a budget and a deadline, which can put the pressure on and when the deadline is not met, there is no fixing it. In this day and age, the pay for the hourly rate for a web designer is roughly between £35-£50. Other hourly interest rates may differ depending on the type of work that has been given to them.

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