Tuesday 20 September 2011

"Making Friends with my Enemies" (Flash Website)

Hello and welcome to my Blog, based on topics and subjects related to my course at Weymouth College. This is basically a "journal" I will be using to keep track of what's happened and/or happening within the course.

Okay, so far I've back at college for a week now and on our first day back, we were given a task to refresh ourselves: We had to create a website that promotes the new Hive: Media Centre. The majority of us used Adobe Flash, myself included.

Here are a few pics from the pages:

Lots of space above... -_-

Anyway, when I had finished my website on the last day before we went back to college for the second week, by sods law, Adobe Flash decide to crash on me and I virtually lost all of the website contents! Fortunately though, the SWF file (the website itself) was fine, except for all of the hyperlinks that stopped working and when I had it presented, the contacts page disappeared...

Things to remember for next time:

  • Save files as backups 
  • canvas size 1020p x 768p
Now that that's been over and done with, I'm off!

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