Thursday 22 September 2011

"It's worth its Weight in Gold" (Making Briefs)

Hello, me again. Just making another "blog entry" for the course. 
This post is about making "Briefs." (no, I don't the underwear kind!) This is basically a document, file or folder containing information on creating something for a client or a company, like promoting a product of some sort that is aimed for a certain target audience.

Now I don't want to sound pedantic, (if that's the correct terminology...) But I honestly have no idea on how to create a proper brief. I mean I had a go at this yesterday (and the day before...) but I'm finding this a bit too hard for me. I get the aspect what a brief should look like but it's getting all of the required information that makes it. This is what I am being asked to look for:

  • Company profile
  • Aim of product
  • Target audience for product
  • Target audience for media
  • Budget
  • Deadline
  • give examples (optional)
I should also mention at this point that the brief that I am supposed to make also needs to have a type of media product promoted along side the clients/companies product. Anyway, here is my first attempt at making a brief

The Coca-Cola Company are a merchandise company that specialise in consumable products (mainly beverages) and distribute them to supermarkets, ready to be sold out to the public.
The aim of these products is to produce tasty drinks that a target audience can enjoy.  
You have been given the task by the Coca-Cola Company to produce a media product that promotes these drinks. You have to:
  •  Find out what media types is the most appropriate for your target audience
  •  Find out what your target audiences favourite drink is that has been made by the Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company has given you a budget of £7500 to use towards on creating your media product.
The deadline for the media product is 2 months (start date: 19th March 2012. Deadline date: 22nd May 2012)

Now, I know this isn't even worthy of being a brief as there is barely 200 words in this. This, in a sense, is meant to be a brief sent to me by the Coca-Cola Company, and they are asking me to promote their products using animations that I have created. I would put down more information on what needs to be done I have no idea what to put in.

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